Board of Civil Authority

The Board of Civil Authority is responsible for the following duties: assisting in elections, delivering absentee ballots, counting ballots, maintaining up-to-date voter checklists, and hearing appeals from final decisions of the Listers on the valuation of property.

The Board of Civil Authority is comprised of the Justices of the Peace, the Selectboard, and the Town Clerk.

The Board meets when required at Town Office.

Phone: (802) 635-2528
Fax: (802) 635-1794


As of 2017, our web site host can only store 3 years of documents.  If you are searching for something prior to the years listed below, please contact the town office.

Archive of Board of Civil Authority Meeting Notices & Agendas


BCA Meeting 10-1-24 Agenda
BCA Meeting 8-8-2023 Agenda
BCA Meeting 10-27-2021 Agenda


BCA M Minutes 10-01-24

BCA Audio 10-1-24

 BCA Minutes 8-8-2023
BCA Minutes 10-27-2021