The Town is looking for interested residents to serve on this Commission. Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office or write a letter of interest to the Eden Selectboard for their consideration.
With the Town Plan due for an update at the end of 2025, it may sound like there is plenty of time but a complete review of the 80+ page document with the Regional Planning Commission in Morrisville does take some time. It is vital that our plan reflects the character of Eden and the residents that call it home.
Eden Planning Commission Agenda 8.28.24
Eden Planning Commission Agenda 5-30-24
Eden Planning Commission Agenda 3.26.24
EPC Agenda 11.21.23
EPC Agenda 10-17-23
EPC Agenda 9-5-23
EPC Agenda 9-23-19
EPC Agenda 8-26-19
EPC Agenda 7-22-19
EPC Agenda 6-17-19
EPC Agenda 5-20-19 No Quorum
EPC Agenda 4-15-19 Cancelled
EPC Agenda 3-18-19
EPC Agenda 2-25-19
EPC Agenda 1-14-19