As of 2017, our website host can only store 3 years of documents. If you are searching for something prior to the years listed below, please contact the town office.
12-28-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda FY22-23 Budget
12-28-21 SB Agenda
12-22-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda FY22-23 Budget
12-14-21 SB Agenda
12-06-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda Eden-Hyde Park FD FY23 Budget
11-23-21 SB Agenda
11-09-21 SB Agenda
10-26-21 SB Agenda
10-19-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda
10-12-21 SB Agenda
09-28-21 SB Agenda
09-16-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda CANCELLED
09-14-21 SB Agenda
08-23-21 SB Agenda
08-10-21 SB Agenda
07-27-21 SB Agenda
07-13-21 SB Agenda
06-22-21 SB Agenda
06-15-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda
06-08-21 SB Agenda
05-25-21 SB Agenda
05-11-21 SB Agenda
05-05-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda
04-27-21 SB Agenda
04-20-21 SB Special Meeting Agenda
04-13-21 SB Agenda
03-23-21 SB Agenda
03-09-21 SB Agenda
02-23-21 SB Agenda
02-09-21 SB Agenda
01-26-21 SB Agenda
01-12-21 SB Agenda
12-29-20 SB Agenda
Notice of Meeting canceled 12-22-20
12-14-20 SB Agenda
12-08-20 SB Agenda
11-30-20 Special Meeting
11-10-20 SB Agenda
11-9-20 Special Meeting
10-27-20 SB Agenda
10-19-20 Special Meeting LERA Walk Through
10-13-20 SB Agenda
10-06-20 Special Meeting
9-29-20 Special Meeting
09-22-20 SB Agenda
09-08-20 SB Agenda
09-08-20 Special Meeting
08-25-20 SB Agenda
08-10-20 SB Agenda
07-28-20 SB Agenda
07-14-20 SB Agenda
06-23-20 SB Agenda
06-09-20 SB Agenda
05-26-20 SB Agenda
05-12-20 SB Agenda
04-28-20 SB Agenda
04-14-20 SB Agenda
03-24-20 SB Agenda
03-10-20 SB Agenda
3-10-20 Selectboard Special Agenda
3-3-20 Selectboard Special Agenda
02-25-20 SB Agenda
02-11-20 SB Agenda
01-07-20 SB Agenda
01-28-20 SB Agenda
1-22-20 Selectboard Special Agenda
01-14-20 SB Agenda
01-11-20 SB Agenda
Special Meeting-Firehouse Budget 1-6-2020
Special Meeting Selectboard Budget 1-7-20