Eden Town Government

The Selectboard in the Town of Eden consists of three individuals, elected by Town voters at Town Meeting to staggered three-year terms. Other officials elected by Town voters at Town Meeting are:

The Justices of the Peace are elected during the General Election in November in even-numbered years and serve for a two-year term that starts February 1 and ends January 31.

The Health Officer (three-year term), Town Service Officer (one-year term), and Fire Warden (five-year term) are recommended by the Selectboard and appointed by the State.

The Selectboard appoints the following Town Officers to one-year terms after Town Meeting:

  • Fence Viewers
  • Dog Officer
  • Inspector of Wood & Timber
  • Emergency Management Director/Coordinator
  • Trustees of Public Funds
  • Tree Warden

The Selectboard also appoints members to the following Town Committees and Commissions:

The Assistant Town Clerk & Treasurer is appointed by the Town Clerk & Treasurer.  The Town Administrative Assistant, Delinquent Tax Collector and the Assessor are appointed by the Selectboard.

The Town of Eden is deeply indebted to all the individuals who serve the Town in any of the positions listed above.


Vermont Open Meeting Law

Title 1 Section 314

Open Meeting Law complaints must be filed with the Selectboard Chair by email to clerk@edenvt.org or by mail to 71 Old Schoolhouse Rd Eden Mills, VT 05653

Please review the link below showing information required in complaint

Model Complaint Form


Vermont's Counties & Towns

Vermont’s Counties & Towns


The State of Vermont consists of nine cities, 251 towns, and several unincorporated gores in 14 counties.  As in the other New England states, towns are the basic unit of municipal government.  The Vermont State Statutes and Constitution set the guidelines for the governance by the municipalities. Towns govern themselves by Town Meeting.

Historically, the adult voting population would gather at Town Meeting to approve bylaws and budgets.  As towns grew, these responsibilities were shifted to selected, elected individuals.

For more information on the duties of various local officials, Boards, Commissions, or Committees, check out “Who’s Who in Local Government” on the Vermont Secretary of State’s website.